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Mx. Lilly Servus has a wide variety of business skills, wellness skills, hobbies, services and interests.

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Who Visits Here?

This website is for Lilly's family and friends.
If you are looking for business information, go HERE.

Clan Lamont

Lilly Servus is a Canadian of Scottish descent, a member of Clan Lamont, and very much into tattoos, especially anime, flowers, the stars and the moon, with most having spiritual significance for the Reverend.

Lilly loves ALL dogs

Although her dogs have recently passed, Lilly is looking forward to adopting a new dog (or two) in the future. Please post photos of your pets for Lilly to obsess over.

Mx. Lilly is a nomadic consultant

Lilly Servus has worked remotely since 2000, providing comprehensive business services for a wide variety of client organizations.

By using satellite and cellphone equipment, Mx. Servus has been a versatile business consultant for more than two decades, no matter where she is living at the moment.

In the future, Lilly wants to spend the summers in British Columbia Canada, and the winters in Baja California.